Tuesday, 24 February 2015

The Growth Spurt

I feel like a fat pig, eating meals in between meals. My appetite seems to be coming back and I get hungry every 2 hours. Just earlier, I had kimchi soup with rice and as if that wasn't enough. I went to Pastamania and bought Chicken Caesar Salad right after lunch. I hope I gain some weight since my last scan but not too much that all the fats come right from my body. LOL.

Yesterday I had the most painful and scariest cramp in my stomach. I thought I needed to make "chocolate cake" and rushed to the toilet. While squirming on the toilet seat, the pain did not go away even when the "cake" starts coming out (sorry, tmi!). It was getting more and more painful that I felt like crying. I was worried about Beanie's safety and kept praying hard that I won't bleed next. I was too exhausted with the pain that even to clean my own bottom with tissue requires so much effort till I felt tired. I even had a sick mind to just wear my undies and forget about cleaning (but I didn't!What's wrong with me?

After a good 30 minutes in the toilet, I went back to my desk and start to Google for more advice. Apparently, a lot of mums out there do experience this at 18 weeks pregnancy and it is common as this period is the period where our little baby is having growth spurt. Woah! So pain like that one ah? Then childbirth how?

Just then, a friend told me a good news that she is also expecting and she is 6 weeks away from me! Awesome possum! Now I have a friend to share my experience with, and even go to yoga sessions together! Yay! Syukur Alhamdullilah, I pray for us both to have a smooth and healthy pregnancy...

At night, Hubby and I turned in early. I was awakened at 2 in the morning because of a pain I felt in my tummy. Gosh, it was the same pain I had in the afternoon except that it's much more tolerable. The pain carried on for half and hour but it wasn't too bad since I could curl up in bed. I complained to Hubby in the morning and he said that his colleagues mentioned it was probably the baby growing bigger. Really?? I hope so!

Beanie, if you are growing and is healthy, Mommy don't mind suffering this pain. But, please2 be safe, because Mommy is worried sick. Can't wait to see you on 16th March. *lots of kisses*

Leah A A

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