Friday 19 April 2013

Simplicity of Life

What is your definition of being successful?

Rewarding career...?
Plentiful of cash...?
Luxury living...?

While I was concentrating hard on earning that extra bucks and living standard, he said, "my success is where I can have a well-balance lifestyle, full of happiness, just between me and you."

THAT IS SO SWEET. and it's not for the sake of "words of wisdom". he really meant it.

In fact, he had me pondered over it and come to a consensus. Life is full of expectations; if you could eliminate them, only then can you appreciate the simplicity of life.

Awesome. Since my life is mostly full of "downs" in the roller coaster ride, I'm really thankful that I have chosen a life partner that guides me in life. While it takes a shorter time for some to reach their goals in life, I can now accept the fact that it may take longer for me to reach mine.

Que sera sera

Leah AA

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Insyaallah, insyaallah...

writing these in Malay...

"Mudah mudahan Tuhan akan murahkan lah rezeki hamba mu ini. Insyallah insyaallah..."

Off to another issue, there seems to be a chaos going on abt this particular skincare I'm using. Quite skeptical now and luckily, I have stopped using it for some time now as my skin has totally turn too white. LOL. Just curious and waiting for updates from HSA.


Leah AA

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Honeymoon Oh Honeymoon!

It's early Monday and 2.5 hours have passed since 9am.

And yet, I have not done any single work since arriving to the office! LOL. The excitement of honeymoon planning since yesterday continues till today, with the convenient of fast-speed internet in the office makes it even more efficient!

We have thought of several places but nothing has been firmed yet. I can imagine myself basking in the sun, sand and sea, with intermittent travelling to the city for leisure and shopping, admiring the bustling city while sipping on the hot chocolate.... (dreamy dreamy)...

And when the night comes to life, the romance sparks in with candlelit dinner, cruising down the streets of the busy nightlife and so on....

And at the very last minute last night, I have discovered a perfect place for this! The beach, the extravagant lifestyle, the shopping, the dining, and the culture makes a perfect package for honeymooner or so I thought <grins>.

A step away to complete our budget checklist and decide if it is indeed within our means...

Leah AA