Thursday 31 July 2014

LEAH's Kitchen: Honey Cornflakes

I was contemplating if I should bake Hari Raya (HR) #goodies this year because I was so caught up with sewing my HR costume. But when my sister started baking 5 type of goodies and filled the kitchen with fresh bakery smell, I suddenly got into the mood.

Every year, I have been baking honey cornflakes and oat biscuits. Yes, I only choose the simplest recipe as the oven that we have is not really advanced or meant for baking complicated items. I had thought of baking "tapak kuda", a type of nutella roll, but I guess I will put that plan into place for next year once I move into my new house.

Since it's soooo last minute, I had my husband to helped me out in making this #honeycornflakes. So sweet isn't he?

Honey Cornflakes
1 x box of cornflakes - 220gm
100gm butter
6 x tablespoon honey
3 x tablespoon sugar
Coloured sugared balls (for decoration)

1. In a heated pot, melt butter and mix with sugar and honey. Stir till mixture is even.
2. Pour in cornflakes and stir till mixture is evenly spread out to the cornflakes.
3. Placed a good amount of evenly mixed cornflakes into papercups.
4. Sprinkle coloured sugared balls on each cups as décor.
5. Baked the honey cornflakes for 10 minutes at 150 celcius.
My Healthy Rating:
No such thing. LOL.


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